Welcome to Zhang Lab @ WashU

We are a bioinformatics lab in the
Department of Developmental Biology and
Center of Regenerative Medicine at
Washington University in St. Louis, School of Medicine.

Our research endeavors aim to elucidate the mechanisms underpinning the evolutionary trajectory and adaptive responses of human regulatory networks, with particular emphasis on how these phenomena influence pathophysiological conditions in humans. Specifically, we are engrossed in probing the bioactive facets of transposable elements, alternatively known as mobile elements, investigating their role in fundamental biology and oncogenesis, including their genetic and epigenetic governance in the mammalian genome.

Our investigative approach leverages advanced bioinformatic and computational methodologies. We architect statistical and computational algorithms to decipher the intricacies of the mammalian genome by collating cross-species comparative and high-throughput genomics datasets. We subject our hypotheses to rigorous empirical testing and ratify our theoretical predictions in partnership with our collaborative entities.

Our scientific curiosity extends across the continuum of genomics, epigenomics, evolutionary biology, and systems biology. We also harbor an overarching interest in assimilating voluminous datasets, including developing analytical tools for parsing high-throughput next-generation sequencing data and synthesizing genetic information into epigenetic topography.